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moribundman 03-17-2005 06:39 PM

This is NOT an oil forum
And that's not an easy thing to say for me, because oil is my LIFE! :-P

I think I'll write something up regarding oil, something that will address those issues that keep popping up over and over.

MikTip 03-17-2005 11:04 PM

"So many little time..." ;O)

Jretal 03-18-2005 03:55 AM

lol... that didn't take very long for you to crack ;)
You should get up with Mr D and see if you 2 can put something on his website so it's easily accessible... since the search feature on this site is shady at best sometimes.

If it makes a difference though, your oil suggestions have been dead on for me... little to no burning over 2k... 'bout half a quart compared to about 1 qt/1k miles with the "other" oil

moribundman 03-18-2005 04:22 AM

I love talking oil, but most everyone else probably doesn't want to hear about it
I simply don't want this board to turn into an oil forum. People can email me if they have questions regarding oil. I'll also write something up that will hopfully address most oil issues.

Jretal 03-18-2005 05:21 AM

oh i understand, just pulling your leg ;)
what do you do that you know so much about oil though... just curious. You've probably mentioned it before, but I can't remember

Ghostfire 03-18-2005 05:50 AM

What oil should I use..
to grease up my woman :p

legalizecannabis 03-18-2005 06:05 AM

FYI I prefer to always use at least 5 different brands and viscosities per oil change(or30,000m);)

xMIKEx 03-18-2005 07:21 AM

so i see how it is..
your just trying to be outspoken so aw can create a special oil discussions forum and you can be the moderator on that and just talk and talk and talk and talk about oil all day

i see how it is :)

VAP 03-18-2005 07:27 AM

You're right... Its a Motodyne forum!! ;-)

Mr.D-'97 A4q 12v 03-18-2005 10:16 AM

I don't mind offering up space on my website, if you like.

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