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VAP 03-25-2007 09:14 AM

For those that have requested it, get ready....
and you large chassis'd owners bear with me as you'll be specifically included in the description soon as I get my dates, models and chassis specs sorted.<ul><li><a href="">AAH/AFC 12V Induction Parts</a></li></ul>

grnaudi96 03-25-2007 09:35 AM


Evol 03-25-2007 10:42 AM

Damnit, there goes my vacation fund!

4AudiQ 03-25-2007 01:24 PM

Finally, a website we can refer all those that ask.
Thank you, Mance.
Great job.
You keep this up and you may well need an assistant(I am not looking for a job!).

jbrentd 03-25-2007 05:24 PM

Cool! Do you think you'll put the RS3 Flow Tube into production?

pentosinjunky 03-25-2007 05:59 PM

Awesome...moreover as these cars get cheaper, and more accessible to kids with mod money..
..even the 12v will probably get some more attention from individual enthusiasts, especially due to its ability to tolerate abuse. Demand might go up.

Moreover, an online "face" for the primary/only source for quality 12v parts will draw people in its own right. For someone new to the engine/cars, having to spend hours browsing a forum looking for etheral performance parts made by a mysterious and fabled Mance can be intimidating (even if you might learn more in the long run)

VAP 03-26-2007 01:41 AM

It would be premature to at this point to know anything concrete until further testing...
wouldn't do anyone any good to find the benefit derived from this somehow is causing damage somewhere else or might in the long run. Or that a 1/4" change here or there might make it better. No one wants to buy something that is improved on within a few weeks/months, rendering theirs obsolete in the same time frame.

Also there's a fitment issue to be addressed with the ISV harness (the hole I'm running now is no solution in my mind). And what if making it a one-piece design and adding a MAF sensor mounting block directly to the FlowTube creates even more benefit by eliminating the existing MAF housing altogether and attaching it directly to the airbox outlet. There remains tons of research, testing and revisions to perform. This could go on for weeks, months or even a year.

I've had and used one of these things for over a year. But it was a short version that was installed and forgotten about. I've only very recently delved into trying to improve on that. It's impossible to know at this point if it can be safely and effectively released, if it's safe and doesnt cause other issues on "ALL" cars it's used on or what it's final evolution or conclusion may be. Until I can establish how/why it works and know within a reasonable certainty if it can be improved on I would be doing everyone a disservice by saying "oh yes, RS3 FlowTubes will be available very soon!"

When/if I become comfy with it as a viable performance-enhancing solution I will make it available. As of today I dont even fully understand how/why it works.

LLRevolution 03-26-2007 05:44 AM

Hmm I agree with you, but at the same time, the current system divides the ...
strong from the weak, if you catch my drift! I dug through the forum archives for weeks searching for info and writeups and mods etc. I think it limits the mods to the determined and resourceful! And have just recently started my Mance mod list with the HVRS and Pro-Mounts, either way, YOUR THE MAN MANCE!

P.S. I took out the stupid regular hose joiner and put in your HVRS, WHAT A DIFFERENCE!

jbrentd 03-26-2007 06:12 AM

You're welcome to use my car as a B5 test subject.

islingtonaudi 03-26-2007 06:42 AM

I might be way off-base here but what if you put a spacer between...
the airbox and MAF housing, thus changing the angle the tubing runs to the t.b. and hopefully clearing the ISV plug.I assume the velocity stack would have to be changed but you could gain a bit of space this way it seems.

VAP 03-26-2007 06:48 AM

changing the angle that way means an "increased/sharper" angle. Increasing angle necessarily...
reduces flow. I gain space but lose CFM. Not my ideal work-around since I could eliminate the FlowTube altogether and accomplish the same thing.

LLRevolution 03-26-2007 08:20 AM

When your ready, im down to be a B4 QC test run! Incorporating the...
MAF sounds like a bold idea, but a good one. Stands to reason that eliminating the MAF to hose/tube connection is just one more flow restriction deleted, and one more way to boost efficiency and flow to levels never dreamed of by Audi, or anyone else for that matter.

Keep us updated, and keep up the amazing work!

islingtonaudi 03-26-2007 04:42 PM

Ya got me there. I had to take a shot though...

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