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KMHPaladin 12-24-2004 02:37 PM

x-post: H&R S4 coilovers installed
RKA, Digit@lex, and PaulaB were gracious enough to come to beautiful South Jersey last weekend and help install the suspension. Thankfully we got it done in the afternoon when the temperature was still warm and Digi only tried to kill Paula once. We also learned that golden retrievers love Audiworlders. ;) I was very lucky to have the help of people with that kind of experience. Thanks again guys!

The gap is about a finger front and rear. I may raise it when snow starts, I'm not sure. H&R needs to send me the wrenches to adjust the perches. The ride is fantastic, though. Much flatter in the turns. Great upgrade.

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snowman '92 100 12-24-2004 10:37 PM

Looks nice. Can I have your rims? You deserve new ones with that look. I need rims. It just works...

Mr.D-'97 A4q 12v 12-24-2004 11:31 PM

Stop fingering your gap you pervert! :-p
Looks great! Were you just running stock, non-sport suspension before? I find with my two finger gap I scrape, I wouldn't want it any lower. My cat hangs down pretty low, though.

Gotta watch that Paula. She can be a hand-full. ;-)

KMHPaladin 12-25-2004 02:02 PM

lol. for the right price... ;)

KMHPaladin 12-25-2004 02:05 PM

yup, non-sport before...
Went from SUV to slammed. ;) I'm going to bring the front up a little when I get the wrenches, it is too raked right now. I haven't experienced any scraping or rubbing thus far, fingers crossed... I think the spring rates are hard enough that I should be relatively safe.

And yeah, Paula said the same thing... I told her the shocker wouldn't fit in my newly minimized wheel gap. ;)

Jretal 12-25-2004 07:27 PM

lookin good... you like to park by feel a lot I can see though ;)
and I agree with Mr. D... stop fingerin' your gap... this is a family place!

KMHPaladin 12-25-2004 09:51 PM

weeeelll... the pass side came from when Mica and I went out driving in the first snow last year at RPI. Oversteered around a corner and skimmed a curb. The driver's side... I went to an indoor kart track with Digi, Angry, and several of the S4 guys. Tried following them around a sweeping entrance ramp too fast and smacked the curb pretty nicely. Needed a new lower rear control arm. Two not so easy lessons, but ones I don't intend to duplicate.

snowman '92 100 12-26-2004 03:22 PM

how bout $0? That's about all I can afford. e-me.

moribundman 12-26-2004 05:20 PM

Well, you can always make some money on the side...

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snowman '92 100 12-26-2004 07:15 PM

Hmmm, yeah, I'll think about that one.

KMHPaladin 12-27-2004 07:31 AM


Jretal 12-29-2004 07:28 PM

my eyes!! I want my click back!!

Jretal 12-29-2004 07:29 PM

yeah, def some rough lessons...
I just had my rims refinished today... talk about yikes on price! I'll post some pix later when I can finally clean the car (gotta wait 3 days before I can wash the car for some reason). They look sweet, but for the price they better!

KMHPaladin 12-30-2004 04:26 AM

for sure. definitely not cheap. which wheels got refinished?

Jretal 01-05-2005 03:40 AM

I had the ronals refinished...
The SLs are my 'beater' wheels. They get abused at the track, and maybe I might have them redone down the road... but that's really really really low on the priority list if ya know what I mean.

the lacquer on the lips on the ronals was starting to flake off and chip from a few tire changes (the guy that did them was a friggen monkey and damaged pretty much every lip) and also from being used for the past 5-6 years... so it was time. Also the faces themselves were starting to show some wear from impact wrenches, etc over the years.

The guy that did them was a Saab enthusiast so he was all about making them perfect. I am very happy with the job he did honestly, and they look sweet. I decided against putting lacquer on the lip again so it will no longer chip. It makes the rims on the wheels really shine... but not chrome. Just highly polished metal. I just need to hit them with a lil 3M Mag and AL polish from time to time to keep 'em bright. I have no problems with that. Cost 'bout $150 a wheel which is less than I expected (got quoted $250 a wheel for the TT wheels when they got screwed up by the tire joint in VA Beach)

KMHPaladin 01-05-2005 04:48 AM

Cool. I'm looking into buying a set of Oett RE's and refinishing them in an anthracite color. I was hoping to do it for around $100 a wheel. Shame your SL's are beater wheels... ;)

Jretal 01-05-2005 05:01 AM

yeah what a waste huh? Well at least I look good when I'm flying around the track or the autox course ;) I haven't really washed them after my season of autox'ing either. Poor matt would cringe if he heard that :( I didn't have a hose, and it was a PITA to lug the wheels to my friends apt complex where I washed my car. They'll get cleaned religiously though now that I have a house, yard, and a hose :) My real beater wheels are my stock 16" They have the snow tires on 'em. But now that I'm down south and we don't get too much snow they won't get used often, if at all.

Yes, Gary hooked us up with those wheels. My dad picked them out and got them... so they came with the car ;) Not too bad a deal if I do say so myself. I figured after refinishing them they're now worth at least 1/4 of the car's value ;) lol.

KMHPaladin 01-05-2005 06:25 AM

I know exactly what you mean about washing. I take the opportunity as frequently as possible when I'm back at my parent's.

Jretal 01-05-2005 08:57 AM

it was so nice out yesterday that I broke down and bought a hose and reel...
the car will be washed tomorrow afternoon while I'm waiting for the kitchen people to show up and fix the hole they drilled in the side of my new cabinet. Measure twice and cut once was not in this guys dictionary apparently. Good thing I watched him do it... monkey.

KMHPaladin 01-05-2005 09:39 AM

if I could find a faucet at my apartment complex, I'd probably do the same. ;)

Jretal 01-05-2005 10:12 AM

there was one at mine, but they frowned on you when you washed your car in the lot...
it was actually a part of the lease... "no washing or working on cars in parking lot" I broke that a few times ;) oops.

KMHPaladin 01-05-2005 10:47 AM

haha. I gotta find a DIY wash around here.

Jretal 01-05-2005 11:09 AM

I am VERY against spending $4 to turn on a hose at a car wash...
for some reason it just chaps my a$$. It's not like I'm being cheap, but in order to clean your car you have to rush through and wash your entire car in under 8 minutes. Not to my liking. I got a kick out of driving to my friends apt and just using the hose, with the stickers to my apt complex on the car plain as day ;) No one ever caught on, so that was nice :)

KMHPaladin 01-05-2005 11:46 AM

Hahaha. Doesn't bother me as much... I just don't like seeing my car all salty.
Thus far I've been able to wash at my parent's a couple times and avoided the necessity of doing it up here. But come February or so when it's cold as hell... I'm gonna need to find someplace.

Jretal 01-05-2005 05:43 PM

Yeah, I've been super spoiled from growing up...
we had a heated garage at the family business where we used to detail cars. Man that was a gift during the winter! I miss it when I'm down here.

KMHPaladin 01-05-2005 06:43 PM

oh MAN....
My dad saw me out washing the car a couple weekends ago when it was a bit under 40. He thought I was insane.

Maybe I am. ;)

Jretal 01-06-2005 08:30 AM

haha... mine thought I was nuts when I was washing the car in a downpour =P
it was so dirty I couldn't take it. I was out there with an umbrella washing the wheels... then gave up and put on a bathing suit and went to town.

KMHPaladin 01-06-2005 06:19 PM

hahahaha. that takes the cake.

Jretal 01-07-2005 03:55 AM

&lt;takes bow&gt; ah-thank-u =P

KMHPaladin 01-07-2005 01:33 PM

mmm, cake... :)

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