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maggio 11-25-2002 05:09 PM

kill story, just the facts...i suppose some will find it long and boring...
this morning...sitting at a red light waiting to turn left. there was a 97-00ish prelude behind me. light turns green and we go, i pull in right lane, he pulls in left lane. up ahead there is a van moving very slowly so the prelude speeds up from way back so he won't get "stuck" behind me. after he passes, i sped up and got behind him, then after the coast was clear i pulled in front of the van and low and behold, we get stopped at a, feel that tension? lol. anyways the light turns green and i'm kinda cautious to see if he's gonna do it or not, cuz i wasn't gonna just blast outta the light if he wasn't. but i guess he had a different mentality (he was driving a honda after all) and he just takes off rice at full blast. i was still in first at like 4k just in case he did take off (which he did), and i gun it, we were neck and neck through first, and the beginning of second. but by the time i shifted to third i could see his passenger side headlight in my side view and at the end of third i could see his whole car in it. i started braking after i got to fourth cuz the speed limit was only 35 on the road. wow, my first kill! that was the first time someone actually raced back with me. i was pretty proud of myself. just for historical(lol) reference, we were racing down the street that runs by the baseball stadium that the Cincinatti Reds spring train at (i figure someone will find that interesting). all in all a good experience, at the next light the guy rolled his window down and talked to me a little bit, i'd heard stories of people being dicks and like flicking people off, but he was cool. for comparison's sake, like i said it was a 97-00ish honda prelude (i think all of those have vtec), and it was lowered w/ exhaust. i have 98 1.8tqm with exhaust and neuspeed chip. if you made it this far, bless your heart, i'm sure to everyone but me this is pretty lame, lol.

4Rings::G2 boosted:: 11-25-2002 05:15 PM

it kept me riveted til the very end :)

[ej257] 11-25-2002 05:18 PM

the last generation bodystyle?
they were all about 195-200hp stock, came in auto and 5 speed...they are pretty quick, so nice kill. I almost got run off the road by one the other week too...bastards.

SameerP 11-25-2002 05:45 PM

It's irritating playing that "will they race" game...
espicially since AWD allows us the kind of launch that will make any non-AWD car have to play catchup.

I ran into a Prelude pretty much the same way back in the KO3 days. I did a moderate launch, and shifted at 4k when i realized he was not coming, until i heard the angry wasps! Still beat him, but i was at something like 2800 rpm in 2nd, not the best place to race from :)


Allroady DungBeetle 11-25-2002 06:41 PM

Nice job (smart to brake too! ), good to hear he was nice.

maggio 11-25-2002 06:43 PM

yea, that's what i was always afraid of...that i'll shift too soon not realizing...
that i'm smack dab in the middle of a race.

maggio 11-25-2002 06:47 PM

oh, i think i forgot to write that it was a 5sp, cuz i heard him revving when we were taking off...
that's why i'm so proud! cuz that means that:
1: i am a better driver than him or,
2: he's a better driver than I, but my car is faster or,
3, we are both bad drivers, yet again, my car is the faster of the two.
any way i roll it around in my head, it all sounds good. i'm still glowing, thanks! 0:)

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