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tgt 09-06-2006 01:00 PM

Anyone with a Silver Sedan painted the lowers black?
<center><img src=""></center><p>
Hi tried searching but couldn't find any pics. I've always planned on painting the lowers silver.....but with everyone (and now stock) them being painted body color, I'm kind of leaning towards painting the grayish bottom parts black. I'm starting to dig the lowers and the stance.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


tgt 09-06-2006 01:02 PM

Re: Anyone with a Silver Sedan painted the lowers black?
<center><img src=""></center><p>One More...

A4AdMan 09-06-2006 01:04 PM

If you're not going to paint them to match the body color than I would leave them as is.
Nice wheels BTW.

Tgr_Clw 09-06-2006 01:06 PM

Don't. Leave them unpainted.
You can try to put some Mothers Back to Black to give the lowers a deeper black.

ubersport avant 09-06-2006 01:14 PM

your car looks sick as it is, don't paint them black. keep them dark with mothers back to black.

Tgr_Clw 09-06-2006 01:22 PM


tgt 09-06-2006 03:18 PM

Re: your car looks sick as it is, don't paint them black. keep them dark with mothers back to black.
Thanks for the feedback fellas. Anyone else? I'm all ears.

I really like the way the car looks right now, so I'm a bit trigger shy on painting them silver and regretting them.

Definately familiar with the back to black product as well, I was going to try that for a month or so to see how it would work on them.


Tgr_Clw 09-06-2006 03:22 PM

Yup. Try back to black for a while and see if you like it.
But I feel that silver A4s look great with colour matched lowers.

A4_Jax 09-06-2006 04:20 PM

I was torn between unpainted and painted also. Check my pic post for before/after.
At some angles, I liked the unpainted lowers, giving that Euro-look. But I also like the clean look of painted lowers.

turbo_flipper 09-06-2006 04:53 PM

why pay money for that?
unpainted looks ok, painted black would just look kinda silly in my opinion

heateris 09-06-2006 05:44 PM

easier to clean and wax.

tuneda4 09-06-2006 05:44 PM

are u running reps or real rs4 wheels?
i have seen a ton of pics of a4's running rs4 reps but they all look like ****. your wheels look great! real nice and clean car. i would 100% not paint the lowers black. leave them as is. i am with you, when the car has a nice wheel setup and sits real low the stock grey on the car looks best. i am not a big fan of painted lowers at all!

MB The Body 09-06-2006 07:53 PM

paint them silver !

leonpro 09-06-2006 07:54 PM

^^^^^^^^What he said.

MB The Body 09-06-2006 07:58 PM

Oh yeah and follow up with unpaintred s4 door blades so you get the contrast in there, but...
silver lowers will complete the car nicely.

SilverSchwinn 09-07-2006 03:33 AM

Car looks great as is! I didn't care for the unpainted lowers at first, but they grow on you and...
now I think I prefer them over matched. Gives the silver a bit of contrast

bauhaus312 09-07-2006 06:21 AM

Is your car lowered? 18s or 19s?

Tgr_Clw 09-07-2006 07:10 AM

I like your sig.
You went with the optional Tempo bodykit huh?

SilverSchwinn 09-07-2006 08:09 AM

That's my field beater from a few years back...
'89 Ford Tempo which I heavily modified by cutting off the exhaust, ripping out the internals of the airbox (eventually put a hood scoop on her too), and mounting a snowboard as a rear spoiler. I also put in a wire mesh grill and custom painted the racing stripes.

To this day, the best $25 I ever spent!

Unfortunately she only lasted a couple months, suffering a cracked oil pan (sealed up with cold weld), and then a fatal blow a couple weeks later that destroyed the pan.

MB The Body 09-07-2006 02:55 PM

pics with the hood scoop ?

turbo_flipper 09-07-2006 06:27 PM hard can cleaning the plastic be?
I think its definitely not worth the money (should be several hundred bucks at least)

SilverSchwinn 09-09-2006 05:23 AM

sorry don't think wasn't too bad though, made it out of fiberglass
never got around to painting it though so it looked pretty ghetto. But it fit nicely with the theme of the car

MB The Body 09-09-2006 09:38 PM

Check out HIN and you're bound to see cars with hood and roof scoops, and...
best yet is that they will usually be stick ons so they have absolutely no practical function.

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