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TwoSeven 12-05-2008 02:53 AM

It ain't over yet...
So, I got the top replaced and it looked perfect. Note that I said LOOKED, as in past tense. It lasted five days. Then, the rear window separately completely from the fabric at the top, enough that you could reach a whole hand into the headliner sandwich from outside. The part was deemed defective (obviously) by the top shop, and it is being replaced for free, but I now haven't seen my car in a week. At this rate, I am getting convertible tops more often than filling the gas tank. I hope that bad top was just a fluke, but it certainly did not inspire any confidence...

Inquisitor 01-06-2009 02:50 PM

Just stopped by the board, read this thread, and wanted to wish you good luck.
Knock on wood, I haven't had a problem with the top yet, but I have to tip my hat to you for detailing the problem, your dealings with AoA, and your solutions. It's been very informative reading.

Hope the latest fix is a good and permanent solution for you!

ATB 01-13-2009 06:46 AM

How did the 2nd Robbins top work out?

TwoSeven 01-29-2009 12:52 PM

Robbins top replaced... hope I am done with this for good!
The defective top that was installed was determined to be the older style top that was built with identical materials to the factory one. Which is to say, crap. So Robbins apparently redesigned the top somewhat recently, and the new top (number three... one factory, this is Robbins #2) is great. Looks great, works perfectly, no issues at all. If I ever need to get this done again due to damage or vandalism (I hope not!) I will ask my insurance company to go to a shop that uses these Robbins tops and not the dealer.

So, for now, one vote of confidence for Robbins.

Lynne O'Grady 06-06-2009 12:01 PM

A4 Cabriolet Convertible top
I am currently dealing with Audi regarding the adhesive problem on the rear window of my convertible top. Very frustrating, to think I have had this car and love it but I now have to put a new convertible top on due to a manufacturing problem with the adhesive used on the convertible top. The manaufacturer of the top should be responsible for the recall of these tops either to be replaced or repaired. The dealer would not even acknowledge the problem, so I had to go Audi with a scathing but very professional email and am now getting some response. I would not go to an outside source to have the top repaired, because then Audi would not be responsible for the top. I have just gotten 3 calls from Audithis week and one from the local dealer which I will have to return on Monday. I will advise this formum of my communications regarding this matter and will be ready for a decision of whether a soft top recall or class action suit should be filed. This information has been vital in helping through this frustrating situation. Thank you.
L. O'Grady

shawn9766 06-08-2009 05:10 PM

Hey TwoSeven

Shawn here, I dont have the issue with mine, but I have a friend with one and the window is almost out completely. I was scared it might happen to me, but I am just lucky....I guess. Any way I will check with my friend at the dealer as well and see if they can do anything to help. I hope you guys can get this resolved. I have thought of two other solutions if they dont help. One have a plastic window sewn in or buy a robins soft cloth top for 800.00

TwoSeven 06-12-2009 03:31 AM

Shawn - I think it may just be a matter of time for all cars built before a certain date, like the manual transmission issue on the 03 cars. I hope you are spared - but be prepared! The top I got was over $1K (the correct top is the most expensive one Robbins makes - go figure...) and a reputable shop will need over ten hours to properly install it. So, if I had to pay for mine it would have been about $2500. Crikey.

Lynne - best of luck with AoA. I heard some people say that they were very happy with how AoA handled their top issue, and then there are also many others like me who got dealer quoted like my $6400 one and were told to go screw by AoA. I hope you get treated fairly, I know I didn't.

Also, don't be fooled by your dealer's claim to be the only place that can fix the top properly. They don't even touch tops. They send the cars out to high-quality convertible top and upholstery shops to do the work. They wouldn't bother training their techs for that stuff and buying all of the special tools. So don't feel bound to the dealer if AoA doesn't help you. If you live near Boston, let me know and I will give you the name of the shop that did my work and you can call them directly. If not, try to find a convertible top and upholstery place that works on new, high-end stuff like Ferraris, BMWs, Porsches, Bentleys, etc. and they will do the job right.

Oh, and if you want to reach me faster, try the same user name (TwoSeven) over at Quattroworld!

ristedt 06-13-2009 08:28 AM

got my top exchanged free of charge
Hi guys,

I had my 2003 Audi A4 Cabriolet under extended warranty, when, after 4 1/2 years the window started to get loose. As others reported the dealership declared it wear and tear and even after speaking with the manager they said that they couldn't do anything. I then accelerated things to Audi USA directly and actually researched the name of the General Manager of Audi in the US and wrote him a nasty letter.

Luckily enough, a week later I received a call from the dealership asking me to bring the car to the shop to replace the top free of charge. Btw, in San Francisco, they were asking nearly 8k to replace it, that was in 2007.

Hope this info helps.

xaviexavie 06-14-2009 07:58 AM

Been away for a while...I see the top thing still a huge issue!
Hi all.
As one who has traveled once already down this road, I implore ALL who have had issue w/ the poor adhesive to log a complaint w/
When it's deemed a safetyy concern, then Audi may act more consistent / appropriately. Audi is darn lucky no one has been hurt (or worse) by a flying window at 80mph, or a backseat passenger getting conked on the head
(especially a child's small head).
A safety recall really seems like the way to go.

Though Audi finally replaced mine (see prior posts), no one at Audi could tell me if the adhesive on the replacement was any different from the adhesive on the old top (d'oh!). That means I as well as others may be revisiting this whole scenario AGAIN in a couple more yrs. Ugh!
Have to say: this whole experience w/ Audi's reluctance to amend an obvious mnfr defect has left a nasty taste in my mouth. Too bad, too...those new TT's are gorgeous! One bitten, twice shy.
Oh - and I no longer service my car at the dealer, either. As I said...bad taste.

Good luck eveyone. And pls don't forget to log your complaints.


TwoSeven 06-23-2009 02:29 PM

The stock top is crap, period. If anyone needs a new one, go with Robbins.
I have 8 months on my new Robbins (they make two fabric types, I went with the more expensive one since I was gambling with the house's money!) and it still looks and works great. They claim their tops are built with superior stuff as compared to the original OEM tops.

As Jill pointed out, Audi refuses to say one word about the quality of their new tops as compared to the old. I personally think this is because admitting that the old ones were defective would invite countless warranty claims and lawsuits that they are working hard to avoid as of right now. I do believe that the new tops from Audi are better, and the Robbins tops are certainly far superior. Hope nobody here has to replace the top twice - if anyone here is facing that possibility, they probably can sue Audi.

I too STRONGLY urge all who have had this problem to write a complaint on about this, and you can follow this link to do so:

This is a safety issue, not just cosmetic, which is what Audi is claiming to screw us all out of fat wads of money instead of doing the right thing and fixing the cars. I say file a complaint, and ham it up big time. Did anybody say unintended acceleration???

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