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PaulW 08-16-2002 06:30 PM

Half way done......
.....with the H&R's....took me five hours to do the backs, three hours for the first side and two for the second, but I went slow and steady, took a lot of pictures. It's a two person job to get the spring back in....the height of the rear end looks perfect to me, I wouldn't lower it anymore than it is, defintely wouldn't want it to be street racer was dark out so I have no good pictures of it with the rears installed.

Here's a few pictures for your viewing pleasure though....Man.....I'm tired!

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The new set of H&amp;R's, front and rear.

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The rear OEM versus H&amp;R stuff.....

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Installed set, first side!

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Paul's Dirty...Dirty...Dirty!!! Almost done with the second side!

ryoung 08-16-2002 07:11 PM

Thanks for the progress report, and ......
I'm looking forward to your opinion on ride and handling.

BTW, it looks like you'll be doing laundry this weekend :-)

PaulW 08-16-2002 07:40 PM

No, just throwing that stuff out!

skiracer 08-16-2002 08:06 PM

Great job so far- Now I know what to look forward to!
Why did it take two guys to reinstall the rear spring? Did you have a set if spring compressors or did you just wrestle it in? Another question- I noticed your rear disk brake has a dust shield on it- is that stock or something added on (mine doesn't have one).

PaulW 08-17-2002 04:13 AM

I've got all the tricks for you.....
Not only doesn't that spring go back in easy, it's a *itch to get it have to remove the top suspension bolt and remove the shock absorber lower bolt, the suspension bolts is really kinda a neat bolt, has a washer welded on it, but in an "offset" fashion (like a cam) and the other side washer is similiar. This bolt is what is used to control the rear camber....I didn't take pictures of the bolt, so you'll see when you put it back together.

Once you get those two bolts bolt off, you compress the spring with one spring compressor. All the way! Kids, don't try this at home....the following pictures show both left and side shots so don't get confused.....

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The spring has to be fully compressed to get it out...having just one on it helps, because you need to slip the bottom rubber piece will need one large crow bar and one smaller crowbar to do so....

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Notice the bolts at the bottom of the shock absorber is removed and suspension bolt just outboard of this is removed. This is the bolt that is ecentric that is used to adjust camber on the rear (but you can't see from this pic)

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Put the impact wrench on it and tighten the will need an impact wrench for this job.

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Take your large crow bar and insert it as shown, use your body weight to push down on the suspension arm, allowing the spring to free up somewhat (you will still wrestle with it), then use the smaller crowbar propped against the suspension pieces where you removed the large bolt that controls camber and pop that spring out to the front....

To get them back in, you will need two spring compressors, the spring goes in facing one way, it has to fit on the rubber stop at the bottom (clearly noted in the Bently). Put the outboard spring compressor with the threads sticking up so you can easily get the impact wrench on it to compress, but the inboard one going down (it will be stradling the suspension arm, so get it 180 degreees around) because otherwise it will interfere with the body work.

<img src="">
Do not completely tighten the compressors, but almost full compression. Because the H&amp;R spring turns are closer together, you can see that the compressor can only grab a few turns, but overall, the spring is less in height.

To get it back in, DO NOT put the bottom rubber stop in, using your crow bars again, free up the suspension by pushing down on the crow bar in the back, stick the top of the spring partially in (you don't have enough clearance to get it all the way in), make sure it has the top rubber stop on it, then release the suspension so it is crammed in between the lower suspension piece and top body piece. Then take a hammer and tap it across the top body piece until it sits in where it's suppose to (see picture below, you are going to tap it across round body part that supports top of spring).

Once you get that done, now you have to slide the bottom rubber piece in, it will look like this:
<img src="">

This is where you tighten up the outer spring compressor fully. In the picture above you can see that it still has a few turns on the shaft to go, not only does this compress the spring some more, but it skews the bottom of the spring towards you, making it easier to get the bottom rubber piece in.

Then get some soap solution and lube the suspension piece up and the rubber bottom stop. While pushing on the crowbar to open the suspension, use another small crowbar inserted in the spring coil and use the suspension part where you broke the bolt as a fullcrum to keep the upper part of the spring seated on the body. Get a friend (good friend!) to try and stick the bottom rubber stop in. If you get it started, then release the leverage on the crow bars slightly and then tap it in further with a hammer. It only fits on the suspension arm one way, it has a key/key hole built into the two pieces. Once you get this done (it will take a few tries, about 10-15 minutes) then you can release the spring pressure.

To do this, I used the 3/4 socket on the INNER compressor (which can be seen if you look closely in the picture above, see the shaft protruding down and the claws on the back of the spirng), put a 1/2" universal swivel joint on it, then a couple of 1/2" extensions, and the impact wrench, came out quite nicely. I.E. the impact wrench was working from the top, the extensions were adjacent to the shock absorber. Then the outter one is a breeze.

GREAT NOTE: Before you start either side, tape the fender up with masking tape or the blue painter's tape. I made a small chip on the first side, didn't even know I did it until I noticed, that's why the second side was taped up! Now to do the fronts!

<img src="">

PaulW 08-17-2002 04:14 AM

The dust shields were on it when I got it.....stock item.

PaulW 08-17-2002 06:40 AM

Re: Half way done......
Nothing like a good n dirty A8 owner-
Do you clean up well for dinner?

a squeaky clean A4 owner ;)

skiracer 08-17-2002 08:50 AM

Thanks! The photos really help to understand the process.
I can see now I'm going to need to recruit one of my neighbors to help with some of this- I'd better go get a couple of cases of liquid refereshment to use as bribes......

PaulW 08-17-2002 12:56 PM

I should remove the cookies from my girlfriends computer
I sent my girlfriend the link to this message so she could see it....she had an 99 A4, just bought a 2002 about two months ago.

I check at her place, so my cookies are on her computer too! Nice to have a woman who responds to me on Audiworld!

She works for Cliquot inc. which is the manufacturer of Veuve Clicquot champange, LaGrande Dame, etc. She is renting my boat (50' coast guard certified, I'm not the only owner) tonight for "bubbles on the boat", her distributors from WI are coming in for the night, 22 people, 12 bottles of champange, and two three litre bottles of the really good stuff! That's 18 bottles of champange right there plus all the beer, liquor and food you can eat. Fireworks at Navy Pier at 10:15 from the water.....a nice finish to a long day!

RCBENZ2 08-17-2002 05:20 PM

Don't forget - SHOWER b/4 going!

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