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thegetawaycar 04-21-2008 11:06 AM

only one i've ever done >>>
one of the hangers for the rear muffler came off and dropped the thing on the turnpike dragging for about 2 miles before a guy rolled up next to me and pointed. sparks and the whole deal. pulled over and used a carabiner from my keychain to hold the whole thing up. made it the other 100 miles home and i had a muffler shop bend up the new center section that i needed cause of the broken hanger.

AudiSport4000 04-21-2008 12:10 PM

Does running out of gas count?
Ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere in Illinois on my way to Iowa a few summers ago. It wasnt bad, I just wasnt familiar with the area at all and had to walk.

Had a few instances where the car had to be towed because it wasnt drivable (3 times I think I had the quattro towed).

onebrokenneck 04-21-2008 12:10 PM

Headlight switch caught on fire on the freeway at dusk...
Car started filling up with electrical smoke. Pulled off at the next exit and disconnected the battery. Pulled the switch (burned myself on the molten plastic) and cut the wires off. Then the car wouldn't start. Dug out the service manual and checked the wiring diagrams to find what wires I had to hook up to get the car to run. I had to drive another 60+ miles in the dark on I-5 with only hazards and brake lights. No headlights. Sucked.

eurotrippin' 04-21-2008 12:16 PM

Reattaching fuel pump wires after a spirited jaunt through the woods/mud puddles
And I guesss hammering out the fender to clear the tire from a bent a-arm due to an impact with a deer and the subsequent slide into a ditch. Only had to limp the car home about 2 miles on back roads, but still not cool. 04-21-2008 02:37 PM

Voltage reg on 91 V8 Quattro, in the dark, in the middle of nowhere, with a cell phone for a light..
Driving back from CO after purchasing the car about 40 miles into Idaho from Utah at 2AM the voltage light goes off. I immediately turn off all electrical accessories and start trying to determine what the issue is (fuse, belt etc). There 's no place that looks good to stop so while trying to limp it somewhere the car eventually runs out of juice and dies. I have my friend and a few basic tools with me, and for some damn lucky reason I had the foresight to bring a spare voltage reg with me. I had absolutely no knowledge of a V8 Quattro at all so after figuring out where the alternator is I proceed to pull the bellypan off, squeeze myself under the car on gravel and cold concrete and get started.

Problem #1, I have no flashlight and have to use my cell phone for light which lasts all of 10 seconds before the light dims again and requires another key press. Frustrating

Problem #2, the back of the alt has a plastic shroud over it which I have to break apart piece by piece with pliers as I have no means to properly remove it. Much cursing ensued.

Problem #3, there is a large oil cooler line directly in back of the alt which prevents me from removing the 2nd screw of the VR. Despair and exhaustion.

So after 4-5 hours of screwing around under a car in the dark freezing my ass off I have to give up and call my roadside assistance which is complicated by the fact that I don't know exactly where I am at.
Anyway I get a tow into the nearest decent size town (about 1.5hrs) buy some tools and have the battery charged and finally get back on the road with about 12 hours lost.

Lessons learned, Always have a flashlight, Bring as many tools as you can, Roadside assist is worth the cost and friends are worth their weight in gold :)

audithepeanut 04-21-2008 02:57 PM

Removing and repacking CV axle after a football banquet

YukonAudi 04-21-2008 05:07 PM

-10 laying in snow on bush ...road I guess. Pulling front drive shaft off of F250.
U joints broke at the front diff so it was a big brake and had to come off in the muck and mire. A pair of Vise grips that was juuuust about too big to fit was used to complete the job. Took about an hour. Very wet and cold at the end of that one.

boxerfan 04-21-2008 05:31 PM

After making my 1988 Oly Edition 5000 TQ run again...
I was delivering it to it's new owner in Downtown Toronto. About a 50km drive (30 miles).

When putting her back together the weather was bitterly cold and I was unable to connect the lower turbo to IC hose. I managed to get it on so it wqs resting there and covering the opening so it would start and run.

"Easy does it... don't want that motor tilting with torque at all" I was saying to myself in a desperate attempt to make the Audi Gods pleased with my efforts.

Well.. with a motor, seats, and boxes upon boxes of spare parts... the car needed torquew to get moving. I made it about 8km when I hit a traffic light and stalled. I knew immediately the hose had come off. <insert first explicative here>. So.. there I am rolling about in 4 inches of fresh slush trying to get the hose back in place enough for the car to run. Got it! Woo hooo! Back on the road again...

All was well until I exited the highway and was looking at another red light. (FYI.. with a turbo car it will run OK off idle with a significant vac leak but will sputter and stall when at a stop). I hope in vain that no traffic is coming so I can make the right turn on a red light. NOPE! Sputter sputter.. stall. And only about 400 feet from my destination... but on a main road!

Now I am lying in 4 inches of dirty city slush... Yech... and it is getting dark. Well... after an hour of effort it popped right on properly! I could have kicked the car at that point. Why it wouldn't go on properly before the drive I'll never know.

So... slushy cold and leaky intake plumbing Sucks!

864kQ2000S4 04-21-2008 08:08 PM

Gas pedal fell to floor on freeway during D.C. area rush hour...
small foam connector between pedal and accelerator cable rotted away...coasted the 4000q to the shoulder and managed to attach the cable to the pedal with something to make it home - same connector failed again last year...must be about a 10 to 11 year part

squidix9 04-21-2008 08:12 PM

Winch it back into shape
<center><img src=""></center><p>After wrapping it around a tree we hauled it back on the road. The rad was wrapped around the cooling fan so it wouldn't turn. It fortunately was brand new so it just bowed and didn't leak. We hooked a chain on the front to a tree and winched it from the back to pull it back into shape then drove it home(140 mi or so). Had to fix some melted wiring too and unbend the steering wheel. In the impact I bent it like a mushroom around the column. Next day I drove it to work after cutting off all the rest of the bent sheetmetal.

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