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Whitjr 10-06-2004 06:29 AM

It was a rip-tear-snarl-growl success!!!
I finally got my passenger rear door open!!! for the first time since I bought this car. James Brown said it best: "I feel Good, do-do-dole-dole-do!!!"

Anyway, I got the rear panel from my parts car, and all the connecting rods, etc as prep for the rip-tear-snarl-growl repair I was about to do. Last night, absolutely tore the door panel off. literally. I was up to my elbows in door, atempting to get the lock unlatched from inside the door.

I was lying on my back on the rear seat using my feet to bang away on the inside attempting to open the thing. The "foot" method didn't budge it. Back to the arm in the door method. Finally I must've worked some majic somehow, moved some small unseeable lever at the door lock, and the thing came open..Success!!!!!

Reassembled the whole thing, inclusive of replacemnt door handle. Even tho this did not increase the value of my car, it felt good anyway.

I guess the Audi Gods must have been smiling, or either it's all that good, clean living I do... [yeah- right]

85-4kq-girl 10-06-2004 07:07 AM

Good work Ray! It sure does "feel good" to fix something like that. :)

Sallad 10-06-2004 09:32 AM

How long have you owned the car?

Whitjr 10-06-2004 10:17 AM

2 &1/2 yrs.

Sallad 10-06-2004 06:57 PM

2 &1/2 yrs?!
There is no way I could have gone that long with something not working right in my car.

That must have driven you nuts! LOL

4ktq_smin 10-06-2004 10:46 PM

Re: 2 &1/2 yrs?!
It's a good thing i'm not going to school this year, or my car would be falling apart. I'm sooo close to getting everything just perfect, i'm so stoked, because after I'll be able to work on performance :D :D

Whitjr 10-07-2004 04:03 AM

It was the smallest thing, while trying to correct all others.
I had suspension work to do, repainting, windshield replacement, dash wiring.... a permanently locked rear passenger door was a small think compared to all the rest.

eurotrippin' 10-07-2004 01:06 PM

I'm not sure if your problem was related to ungreased levers..
but I went through a spell of no rear door operation aswell. When I was finally able to get it open I did not lube up the levers that open the door and ended back were I started. So I would reccomend this, atleast if that was the cause of the problem.

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