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Quattro4lifeAus 11-22-2005 12:50 PM

With more police on NSW roads your going to get caught...
<center><img src=""></center><p>
I've just finishead another 15 hr work day, sat in the peak hour crawl and then as if by some gift of the gods the traffic disappered and it was just the TT, the road and a itchy right foot.

200km/h came up in no time, 240...250 then the electronic brick wall so i relax coast back down to the sign posted 80 km/h speed limit.

This green falcadore is coming up preety quick on the rear as i casually weave through traffic letting the wind bring be back to speed, my speed is...150...130...110...90...then there is a nice you man in a blue shirt waving to me and he is not saying hi.

So what do you do when you have been pulled over for exceeding the speed limit by 3 times?

Be polite, be nice, appologise profusly, admit everything in the world is your fault and pray to the german car gods for intervention.

Exceeding the speed limit by 15km/h but not more than 30 km/h...How much is that?

How many pionts is that now, didn't it go up?

Drive fast, drive safe and be very very's rabbit season.

Lucas_Gchips 11-22-2005 01:43 PM

Re: With more police on NSW your going to get caught...
naughty naughty.....

you should try and keep your heavy foot for race tracks, not public roads..

Quattro4lifeAus 11-23-2005 03:35 AM

Have to get to Germany quick...
I wasn't speeding...i was qualifying =)

Seriously though you are right, high speeds belong on an Autobahn not on Australian public roads.

It is only illegal if you get caught - every action has its consequence.

I'll save the speed for the east coast targa and the Dutton - legal racing on australian black top with police supervision.

Drive fast, drive safe and don't get caught!

allroadoz 11-24-2005 04:09 AM

Re: Have to get to Germany quick...
We all like a little squirt now and then but if I want to see what the top end is like I'll do it on a private raceway where there is no chance of killing anyone but my own stupid, speed-loving, adrenalin-addicted self.

Quattro4lifeAus 11-24-2005 04:26 AM

Bugatti will go to 404 km/h...
=) that is true low flying =)

downunder 11-26-2005 09:14 PM

U R an idiot!!!!!!!

Quattro4lifeAus 12-02-2005 12:01 PM

<center><img src=""></center><p>
I was always taught as a child to be mindful of what I said to others `if I could not say something nice, don't say anything at all' and to `treat others how I want to be treated' not to mention `do unto others as you would have others do unto you' - What values were you taught as a child?

Driving at high speeds is not something everyone can do and is potentially very dangerous, there are a multitude of factors, both mechanical and environmental as well as driving disciplines that are required as these speeds.

However the skill required to hold a European vehicle designed for these Autobahn speeds dead straight on a straight as an Olympic Games arrow section of highway with 100% visibility and perfect weather is quite small considering the car control and precision required to dive between the witches hats, construction barricades, the wheels shattering unevenly tared road surface and silt that lined the highway entry ramp at that speed not to mention previous experiences.

Those of you in the forum will remember the continuous high speed tests I conducted in the A4 - a good 10 to 15 mins at 245 km/h each time with cruise control on of course (time it took to reach the next highway exit and turn around for another pass) on a section of deserted public highway at an ungodly time in the morning.

The tenacious grip of the P Zero Nero's ($700 per corner in rubber) during slaloms at 245km/h impressed me immensely as well did the cooling efficiency of the engine, chassis fell and control, electronic intervention, etc. It was the wind noise from the sunroof that disappointed me (imagine a pressure leak on the space station and you may get the idea). Provided a link.

Having a puncture and consequent blow out while travelling at 160km/h while simultaneously passing a petroleum tanker on a curved piece of highway with no run off space available, requires a great deal more skill and electronic intervention than the above to maintain safety of all parties involved.

Sliding 90 degrees sideways towards a cliff face and 25km/h hairpin corner at 200km/h on a tight national park road lined with vehicle destroying ancient gum trees again with zero run off requires slightly more skill and even greater electronic intervention again. Had to do it twice to be sure it wasn't heavenly intervention for the German Car Gods.

Sliding backwards at 175km/h on a fairly tight descending curved section of highway lined with a vehicle a destroying crash barrier with a significant drop on the other side requires what some would consider a high degree of clarity and control (considering you looking out of the passenger rear window with one hand holding you front seat passenger and one spinning the wheel) not to mention a truck load of electronic intervention (however this vehicle had none), yet immerging straight, true and accelerating again in third gear, the tyres however were shredded.

Shall I continue?

I am only an ammeter, a rookie, compared with some of the true drivers in this Australian forum (Lucus, Stassik, Ken, etc.) whose level of driver skill and vehicle control is something I still can only dream about...however I'm learning and practicing every chance I get in an effort to soar with these elite.

Speed does not kill...ignorance does (velocity kills actually - that is speed with direction, or the sudden stop as your internal organs crash against your skeletal structure like ocean waves crashing on rocks...simple physics)

I know that we (those of us who actually drive as opposed to just commute with their vehicles) in this forum could all fill the largest library in the world full of similar experiences, tests of nerves, driver skill and unexplainable miracles however it is not the point I'm making.

Treat and speak to others how you wish to be treated.

Just a thought...<ul><li><a href="">

downunder 12-03-2005 02:37 AM

The fact that you would expend so much energy trying to justify yourself just proves my point!!!!!!

Quattro4lifeAus 12-03-2005 12:01 PM

It took about 16 calories and 5 mins...and you are not even worth that =)
<center><img src=""></center><p>
Hmmm...maybe 17 calories, I type fast...about as fast as i drive.

Have a nice life...sincerly wishing you a long, peaceful joy filled existance =P

downunder 12-04-2005 02:31 AM

Then do everyone around you a favour, and just SLOW DOWN!!!!!

Quattro4lifeAus 12-04-2005 04:08 AM

Your use of punctuation and the Kings English is concerning...
<center><img src=""></center><p>However patches are available from your local chemist so you can step down exclamation mark at a time...

If symtoms persist please see your doctor.

oldmate 12-06-2005 12:06 AM

I concur, you are an idiot.
No amount of verbose pontificating can justify your position. Even though you may have command of the English language and command of your car, this does not make you any less subject to the law. Keep it on the track or keep it to yourself.

Black A4TQ 12-09-2005 05:55 PM

"$700 per corner in rubber" for Neros, you got ripped

RS4@LAST 12-10-2005 09:20 PM

you're gonna kill somone
I often slip over the speed limit myself from time to time (by mistake of course), but your posted speeds including previous posts is straight silly. Its even more silly that you brag about it on forums. You've just admitted to dangerous driving, and admissible in court. That's jail time for a repeat offender. Do us all a favour, and buy a race car or race kart and do it in controlled conditions. No one will bag you for the odd blip on the open road, but at those speeds, you never know what's gonna come out of a side street or from behind an object. You may feel and have control over your car, but you have no control of the conditions. I'm sure we'll all miss you if you're splattered across the road, but there's a good chance you might take someone else with you. Please don't take my comments as harassment, as I was probably a little like yourself some time ago (not to your extreme!), but it can turn from fun to agony in a fraction of a second.

Quattro4lifeAus 12-12-2005 04:37 AM

P Zero Rosso RRP $708.00
<center><img src=""></center><p>Have brand new Rosso's on the rear to improve cornering and decrese road noise...esp at speed.

P Zero Rosso's coast $708.00 per corner RRP, Hence the term '$700 tyres per corner'.<ul><li><a href=";productid=100 64">;productid=100 64</a</li></ul>

Black A4TQ 12-12-2005 10:15 AM

Who pays RRP... you still got ripped

Quattro4lifeAus 12-12-2005 02:11 PM

Your intelligence and attention to detail is amazing...
<center><img src="'%20re%20a%20Genius!!.gif"></center><p>Who said i paid RRP?

Has anyone ever told you to think before you type?

Just a thought...

Black A4TQ 12-12-2005 07:11 PM

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