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Mr. Head 08-10-2007 09:18 AM

Looking for a Good Tailor in Orlando...
I went out and bought a dark blue suit to prepare for the inevitable upcoming interviews. While the shop I bought it from does in house tailoring, they will not be able to get it done until wed of next week, and I may need it sooner than that.

Does anyone have any preferred tailors they use? Mr. Saxton?

Jon-1.8t 08-10-2007 09:27 AM

really for techy interviews... a shirt and tie is fine...
every place I went to unless it was a finanical firm they all wore poly shirts with slack or jeans... The rule is dress one better than your interviewer. I've found that if you dress to good than the interviewer will feel intimiated. This is just my opinion, but its worked pretty good so far.

Mr. Head 08-10-2007 09:29 AM

I can definately tell you right now, A shirt and Tie would not work for the business I'm in...

Astronut 08-10-2007 12:23 PM

And what business is that?
I thought you were a EE or looking for EE work

Nimrod (Jody) 08-10-2007 04:57 PM

For an engineering position at Motorola I have never seen an interviewee not wear a suit and tie.

Nimrod (Jody) 08-10-2007 05:03 PM

There is no such thing.

Mr. Head 08-10-2007 05:32 PM

Sorry, I meant to say "company"...

Mr. Head 08-10-2007 07:48 PM

*waves the BS flag"...
I'm not talking about a Black Tie Gala here folks...

Wearing a simple matching suit is not "over dressing" in an interview situation. If anything I would just have a coat on when the person interviewing me would have a pair of dress slacks and a button up shirt or a polo.

mike*green 08-10-2007 09:30 PM

Absolutely not! A suit is a must for any professional level interview.
If a biz analyst or java developer showed up for a first interview in less than dress trousers, shirt, tie and AT LEAST a sport coat or blazer... He'd be done in my book.

First impressions are huge. Regardless if you're gonna wear shorts and a tank top to work later, you need to step it up for an interview.

mike*green 08-10-2007 09:32 PM

If the recruiter/hiring person TELLS you to dress down, dress one level above what they say, but
never casual.

For exmaple, if they say "we dont do suits and ties", then wear every except a tie, and if its summer skip the coat as well.

If they say they're casual jeans and polos or such, wear nice pants and a dress shirt, with no tie.

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