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Mirror|rorriM 02-05-2009 04:57 AM

I'd like to extend a huge Thank You to Herb Chambers Audi in Burlington
Driving home last night in the left lane of 95S while in heavy but fast-moving traffic, I had an upper IC hose pop off. While it's not something which typically causes any damage, when you're on a highway, at night, with 3 lanes of tailgaters between you and the breakdown lane, having this happen is a Bad Thing.

I was able to coast to the breakdown lane, which happened to be too small for me to want to get out of the car and fix this. I checked my RNS-E, and the next exit was only about a half mile away, so I got the engine started again and limped my way to Exit 34. At the end of the off-ramp, I was able to pop the hood and unplug the MAF, which meant the car would drive just fine despite the 2.5" hole in the intake tract as long as I was reasonably careful. That also meant no more highway driving even though I was still 30 miles from home.

I had RNS-E plot a route which avoided all highways, got back underway, and hoped that I would drive past a well-lit parking lot where I could fix this. Through pure dumb luck, the navigation had me drive right past Audi of Burlington. Excellent.

I pulled into Herb Chambers at 7:30 and sales was still open. Service, however, was closed. Luck was on my side, and there was still a tech there working on his own time. He pulled my car into service and had it fixed in about 10 minutes. For this, Don (IIRC) earns HERO STATUS in my book.

(As an added bonus, I got to drool over the pair of R8s they have in the showroom. Yum.)

So, again, a huge THANK YOU to Audi of Burlington for helping me out right when I needed it even though service was closed.

JimmyC83 02-05-2009 05:00 AM

Nice, always good to hear positive remarks!
instead of horror stories...

Boston Driver 02-05-2009 05:00 AM

Makes me wonder if service was actually open...
...woudl they have been so helpful. My experiences there were not as rosey.

That in mind...kudos to the tech who gave you a hand!!!

I am hopeful that their new location (moving this weekend) will increase their capacity, bring in more techs, and actually be able to give a service appointment THEY can keep!

TPM2002 02-05-2009 05:12 AM

Very refreshing to hear things like this for sure. Nice going.

JimmyC83 02-05-2009 05:28 AM

i wonder if they'll give Burlington residents 10% off MSRP :-p

Murph 02-05-2009 05:28 AM

I recently had a polar opposite experience with daughter's A4.
More details to follow once I document to avoid any possible legal issues. Suffice to say at this point that I will NEVER use them even in an emergency. Your positive experience is the result of an act of kindness of an individual not the dealership.

JoeS4 02-05-2009 05:30 AM

2nd. Generally, techs are good guys. But if the service department is open, there are useless
service advisors between you and techs.

JoeS4 02-05-2009 05:30 AM

I think you mean "a huge Thank You to Don the Audi Tech"....
not necessarily Herb Chambers.

Mirror|rorriM 02-05-2009 05:39 AM

[no comment]

s4for5_TTfor2 02-05-2009 06:01 AM

I also had a positive experience there recently, tech named Jason..very helpful and knowledgeable
Parts pricing is a whole other story.
Chambers marks all OEM parts up way over MSRP which really pisses me off

DxC 02-05-2009 06:16 AM

2nd. all thanks to the tech

traffic626 02-05-2009 08:37 AM

every Chambers dealership does that with their parts
brought in a Honda Accord before and they charged $200 for a lower control arm. I could order the same from another Honda dealer for less than $80.

traffic626 02-05-2009 08:37 AM

How did you find Don?

traffic626 02-05-2009 08:38 AM

10% off won't cover the crazy parts markup. =)

Mirror|rorriM 02-05-2009 09:07 AM

One of the salesmen knew he was there and paged him.

traffic626 02-05-2009 09:47 AM

I would write a letter to the shop saying how he went above and beyond to help you.

Boston Driver 02-05-2009 10:33 AM

unless the letter will get him in trouble for...
...doing work after hours.

JoeS4 02-05-2009 11:47 AM

That may not be the best idea.
Good intentions may not bring about good results in this case, as BD said.

traffic626 02-05-2009 01:19 PM

true...a salesguy did point Mirror to the tech though because they knew he was still there

Ultras4 02-05-2009 02:02 PM

His name is Doug lol i work with him at Herb Chambers
I showed him the post and he says you are very welcome!! He is one of the few techs that will do anything for someone in need! You should write a letter to herb chambers himself. He will maybe give you a nice discount or something!

Grapeking 02-06-2009 04:35 AM

I was wondering if it was Doug - he is a great guy, and a good tech. (Very good cyclist, too).

Ultras4 02-06-2009 07:39 AM

yeah even in the winter he rides his bike to work! But he is by far one of the best Porsche tech's a

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