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Brad Willis 04-23-1999 06:53 AM

Last Call
Ever since January, I've been advising readers of this forum to get their orders in early. Most of you know that was very good advice, as waiting lists are growing long and supply is very tight.<p>So now it's last call. TTs will hit the street within about a week or so, and a major advertising campaign will start shortly thereafter. I believe that demand will go absolutely crazy. Sure, other versions of the TT will be introduced over the next several years, and someday in a year or two, maybe TTs will even be available for less than the sticker price. Still, if you want one anytime soon, I really feel that this is the last call.

Tony Harris 04-23-1999 02:25 PM

Re: Last Call
I totally agree. Just sold two more today. The earliest I can get one for you now will be in July and I suspect those will sell long before then.

SJO 04-23-1999 06:59 PM

Re: Last Call
While it may be "last call," I am getting the impression that some of those who got their orders in early are backing out to wait for either the non-intro colors, the TTS, the convertible, etc. To that end, my dealer told me that I was able to slide into the fourth spot on their list, as long as I would "take" a silver/ebony. Having written that, I have no VIN# like some of you, and have been told delivery won't be until July, which seems to be a long wait in light of the position -- so what does "fourth" on a list really mean?<p>One other note, I tried to get a NM TT, but apparently I was a "LITTLE" too late -- the operator said I was between 800 and 900 on her list. (What are the odds 700 to 800 would have a change of heart?) Consequently, for many of us, "last call" was back before Christmas. Congrats to those of you who got them. <br>

B Collins 04-23-1999 07:45 PM

Re: Last Call (what it means to be "fourth")
Whether being fourth on a list is good or not so good depends entirely on the size of the dealer's allocation. The first dealer I talked to said he would get 4 TTs, total, in 1999. (That's why he wanted a $5000 deposit - supply and demand.) I found another dealer with a larger allocation and I'm now expecting my car in the first wave.

John Ireland 04-24-1999 11:56 AM

Don't be worried, they'll always be a TT available...
As soon as the quattro comes out, some people will be turning in their FWD versions. Also, lot's of (don't ask me what lot's of means) the NM versions will start showing up in the speculators markets. Plus...not every dealer is going to sell out...mags like Autoweek will be filled with people selling TTs. More important is not to get scalped. I'm guessing that the blue ones will be the hardest to move...and silver the first everyone gets tired of because there will be so many. And next Spring when the 225 hp comes out, they'll be droves of people turning in the 180 hp versions, in FWD and Quattro. Or...if you like Boxters, wait until the S version arrives...the current ones will plunge in value.

Brad Willis 04-24-1999 12:16 PM

I totally disagree...
First of all, there are only 100 Neiman Marcus TTs produced in the world, so to suggest that "lots" of those will be available is obviously incorrect. I'm sure that there will be a few capitalists selling their NM TTs to try to make a quick buck, but I'm sure that the number for sale will be quite limited and the asking price will be high (I'm guessing $45,000 to $50,000).<p>I'm telling you that supply is going to get real tight real soon. You will see for yourself. Once this car hits the street and advertising begins, demand will go through the roof. This car is extraordinary in a lot of ways. At some point, obviously demand will slow, but that won't be for some time. Remember, we're talking only 4000 cars initially for the entire USA.

Kurt von Blanckensee 04-24-1999 08:00 PM

Re: I totally disagree...
I am number 2 on my dealers list in Houston,TX.He says middle of May before I get mine and Houston is a port of entry. Also I have already seen a couple of Nieman Marcus cars on the market for $75,000.00. These cars will be hot,much like the VW. I see people getting 40k to 45k for any tt the first few months.

Brian D 04-24-1999 08:51 PM

Re: Last Call (what it means to be "fourth")
Thats funny my dealer told me he is being allocated five (me being the fourth) and I put down a $200.00 dollar deposit.

John Ireland 04-25-1999 06:31 AM

Only a fool or someone...
desperately ego-challenged would pay that kind of money over MSRP for ANY car. Ask the poor folks who got caught up in the cars are money maddness of the late eighties and paid 40 thousand over list for the 1989 Porsche Speedster...a car that bore no relationship to the original except in name. Three years later they were so upside down in their cars they had to eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner. And they still can't get their money back today. Anybody who pays over MSRP on any car will be in the same boat. Some dealers might be able to push another thousand on the price of a TT but that's the most any sane person might consider paying. All you have to do is ask Bosxter owners what they get in trade in. It isn't even dealer cost. If the dealers were buying the Boxsters new for $35k (just a figure) and selling them for $ you think a dealer is going to give MORE than the $35 he paid on a new car, for a used one? The TT is no different. If it is selling for $30...the dealer bought it for $25...and he sure won't give you more than $25 when you go to sell it...even one week later. So all those sales people who tell you to buy a FWD now and then turn it back in when the 225 comes's your money. And yes...there will be enough of those who will trade in the FWD for the quattro and 225, that low mileage versions will be on the market before the first year is out. It's true with the 996 Porsche and it's true with Ford Mustang Cobras and it's true with Vipers...and it will be true with the TT. People who hate stick shifts will but the car anyway because they "must" have it. Then they'll get bored or tired...and the car will be back on the dealer lot and the customer will be driving something with a tiptronic. It's not about the car, it's about people.

Brad Willis 04-25-1999 08:11 AM

Re: Only a fool or someone...
I agree that some of the prices that have/will be asked for some of the hot new models can be a little ridiculous. However, don't forget that the Neiman Marcus TT is a collector's car, and will command a premium for quite some time. In December, it was featured in Special Car magazine. Remember, there are only 100 of these in the world.

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