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BigTT 09-10-2001 09:09 PM

Pictures from the ALMS @ Laguna (long)
First off, I want to thank Steve Sherwood for organizing the Audi Corral. We had a great spot on turn 5. The day started (as usual with me sleeping through the alarm - yikes!!!) by meeting some Audi brethren at the KK in Mountain View before the drive to Laguna. We were greeted with the morning warm-ups.... (note to self - bring ear plugs next time)

Wandered into the paddock area and took some pics...

Can you spot the DV's???
<img src="">

I saw Pirro talking to Mario Andretti... (could not get a better shot as someone always blocked my view)
<img src="">

Team Panoz has one LOUD car... they fired it up right there in the paddock..
<img src="">

Outside the Team Panoz tent, they had one of these.... beautiful car...
<img src="">

Of course there had to be a Lambo parked somewhere....
<img src="">

Race-day only special for $295K... I think the color was putrid...yech!
<img src="">

On the way back to the car corral, I nearly dropped my camera from laughing so hard!!
<img src="">

Can anyone spot the lone TT? (I was disappointed to be the only one)
<img src="">

We set up the lawn chairs and had a great time....
<img src="">

This was our view..
<img src="">

I was amazed at how quiet the R8's were when they lapped...
<img src="">

And how loud these guys were ;)
<img src="">

I laughed every time "The Shoe" drove by....
<img src="">

Overall, I had a blast!!! This was a first for me - ALMS race and being at Laguna Seca... I had no idea that I was that close to the corkscrew... had I known, I would have taken some shots from there.... Next time!

Follow the URL for more pictures....<ul><li><a href="">Album @ Fotki</a></li></ul>

gtt 09-10-2001 10:31 PM

nice pics Ted.

MichaelTT 09-11-2001 01:14 AM

Nicely done...really enjoyed the pics

SkeTTch 09-11-2001 04:44 AM

Re: Loud Panoz
Have good memories of watching the Panoz's beat the BMW's at the Petit LeMans at the "home" track a couple years ago...

the sound of that Panoz is religion :-)


JES TT 09-11-2001 05:39 AM

Nice... Thanks for sharing.

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