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-   -   I saw these replica r8 wheels on Ebay, does anyone have any experience with these? hows the quality? (

kevkev3123 03-01-2009 09:39 PM

I saw these replica r8 wheels on Ebay, does anyone have any experience with these? hows the quality?
only 600 for a set, looking into it.. Just worried that there made like crap<ul><li><a href=";item=190279143075&amp;v iewitem=#ht_2081wt_954">R8 Replicas</a></li></ul>

Designer 03-01-2009 10:17 PM

wow, too good to be true.

kevkev3123 03-01-2009 10:23 PM

give me a break lol

jonchavez 03-01-2009 11:19 PM

Actually, they're probably decent. Discount Tire does their best to be selective...
...about what they sell.

But then again, my feeling is...
I don't care how "good" wheels are made, every brand is capable of bending. And of course, depending on the roads where you live, they could be more/or less prone to bend than others. Hell even BBS crack. LOL $600 bucks is worth making them a summer or winter set. I say go for it.

I spent $2800 bucks on a set of BBS and they sucked bad here in the Pacific Northwest. I've not put any aftermarkets on this TT yet, but I will in the foreseeable future. Could be those. LOL

kevkev3123 03-01-2009 11:22 PM

I think your 100% right. Ill get these wheels and if they break, i will just get oem in the future

romktu 03-02-2009 12:42 AM

Again, you might want to look into Achtuning/Hartmann. No affiliation here.
They've been great to deal with in the past and sell high quality replica wheels. Their wheels are also the most faithful to the original designs. Many on these fora/forums have used their reps. Good luck.<ul><li><a href=";ProdID=1153">R8 replicas</a></li></ul>

proport 03-02-2009 06:51 AM

of everything I've seen, hartmann makes the strongest replicas... and they're still softer than
I'd like them to be.... there are certainly other reps out there that are POS.. and I really don't think Hartmann's R8 reps at $265 a piece, is a bad price at all... For $142, your idea to just replace them if they break might backfire on you. You've got to consider, if they are soft, they might last you a week or a month and if you damage them, you could end up damaging your tire.. which adds to the cost. Not to mention your time and cost to end up going out and getting a new set if you mess up one of these because you're not going to want 3 of these on the car and 1 hartmann (certainly not 1 oem).. even if they look the same..

|everso!| 03-02-2009 06:57 AM

lol. dude you've gone from looking at OEM Lambo wheels...
priced at a few thousand dollars looking for the cheapest R8 replicas!


carbonLORD 03-02-2009 07:22 AM

Replica = Skip, even Hartmans, sorry.
Never the right combo of size, width and offset but you get what you pay for.

If you do go replica, Hartman is the only reliable vendor who has experience and will be around for the long haul IMO.

romktu 03-02-2009 07:38 AM

Well, you get what you pay for. A good forged wheel will always be stronger
and lighter, but much costlier too - as I'm sure you know. If bending a wheel is really that much of a fear for someone, perhaps they should invest in something forged...

If you're going for a cast wheel, I would bet the Hartmann replicas are not much (if at all) softer than an oem cast wheel, at half the price.

Back when the B5 RS4 style 18" wheel was being replicated everywhere, I tried a couple of sets - first from Wheel Exchange and then from Hartmann. The Hartmanns had a noticeably better finish and the detailing was more true to the oem design. Well worth the extra cost, imo.

If you compare the R8 reps from the eBay listing above and from Hartmann, you can see, just from the photos, how the detailing is lacking in the former. The "brackets" that flank either outer edge of the double spokes as they meet the rim are smaller and less defined than the Hartmanns/oem. And the finish seems to be much shinier, as if they were highly polished. I would bet comparing actual wheels side by side would show huge differences in both quality of construction and finish.

Anyway, I like the R8s on your S4. Nice and clean look!

Finally, seems like the OP was ready to shell out near or more than two grand a wheel before. I don't see how skimping now would be a good idea. Less than $1,500 for a set of decent replicas seems reasonable to me...

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