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cybrchaddy 05-25-2004 07:51 AM

This is what happens when Cheerleaders have a car wash...
This past Saturday morning, I was on my way to Huntington to get my turbo timer installed when I went to get some food at Carles near my university, when I noticed the Cheer squad from my school were having a car wash, I pull in only to find some guy completely looking at the girls to his left. He wanted to show off so he accelerated in the parking lot straight into my rear driver side area. As you will see, lots of damage from a parking lot accident. Turns out, he was driving his friend's car, he had no license, he doesn't speak English, his friend who owned the car didn't have her license, and on top of that, she tried to persuade me to tell the police it was her driving not him so that their insurance would cover for it. I'm not an idiot, that's insurance fraud and I could lose all credibility for this accident for lying to the police. I didn't help her.

My mechanic said he would have to replace all the rear suspension parts, the rear axle, and whatever body repairs as well as wheel repair/replacement. Anyway, here are the pics...
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octane 93 05-25-2004 07:54 AM

you got pushed sideways onto the curb?
i love those wheels. sucks to see them end up like that

ryno 05-25-2004 07:54 AM

sucks man. people are idiots

cybrchaddy 05-25-2004 07:55 AM

I got hit hard since he was accelerating...(more)
I spun almost 180 and went over the curb.

doo 05-25-2004 07:56 AM

sorry to hear....=(

benfica09 05-25-2004 07:58 AM

damn! they spun you around?

overboostpsi 05-25-2004 07:58 AM

WTF...that's crazy...sorry to hear that...hope it works out for you insurance wise...
what a dumb f*%k. What was the guy doing? Did he lose control of the car? I hope you get everything paid for cause that's a **** load of damage especially if your suspension and rear end need to be replaced. Good luck and sorry to hear that. So were the paramedics there because you tried to kill the guy? I know I would have if it was me.

EDness 05-25-2004 08:00 AM

wow...sorry to hear.

Blake(w/ 16g) 05-25-2004 08:01 AM

holy crap that sucks!
its that sort of stupid SH!T that pisses me off. damn right you're gonna tell them it was the non licensed idiot driving. and how in the HELL does someone have car insurance when they arent licensed!? i didnt think anything like this happened outside of New Jersey...

cybrchaddy 05-25-2004 08:01 AM

I have full coverage so...
I had my car taken to my mechanic where he is evaluating it right now. The Adjuster will come down and take a look tomorrow. My mechanic already said a whole lot will have to be replaced, I'm waiting for a money figure though. I will find out from the police report what actually happened on the other party's side because the police wouldn't tell me. I over heard that the girl tried to say that she was driving but one of the cheerleaders overheard and stepped in and told the police officer that it was the man. BUSTED. I'm not sure what happened after that. I'll post any updated when I find out anything.

BSCA4 05-25-2004 08:03 AM

Agree, the guy do not have insurance that mean your ins will have the shell out and eventually...
it come back to you (insurance rate rise....

[ej257] 05-25-2004 08:03 AM

Oooh...that sucks big time. Sorry.

reLAXin230 05-25-2004 08:04 AM

Sorry to hear that. Hope it all works out

cybrchaddy 05-25-2004 08:05 AM

I thought about it, but I didn't want to take the chance.
And I would have been screwed anyway since one of the cheerleaders approached the police officer when the girl tried to give the story. The cheerleader told the police officer that the guy was driving. Anyway, if it is found that there is no coverage on the other party, I have full coverage and my insurance agent said that when fault of the accident is determined, I won't even have to pay my deductible. I'm hoping all goes well.

cybrchaddy 05-25-2004 08:07 AM

The paramedics were there because the twisting of the impact screwed up my back
I'm currently on pain killers and muscle relaxers...they are a blast.

cybrchaddy 05-25-2004 08:09 AM

Yeah, he didn't even brake because he wasn't looking. That's why I was spun so much.

BSCA4 05-25-2004 08:12 AM

Hope it all go well for SoCal bro

bostonasphalt2 05-25-2004 08:13 AM

not if he can sue the guy....did anyone get a ticket for the accident?

BSCA4 05-25-2004 08:15 AM

His ins will pay for everything and then they will go after that guy.

overboostpsi 05-25-2004 08:15 AM

On top of all that you got's good you didn't say that she was driving...
this way the insurance can pay for your medical bills. Maybe some compensation also. Sorry you got hurt, that's the worst. Hope you get better.

paul_858 05-25-2004 08:18 AM

WOW, sorry to hear that.

ex-quattro PETE 05-25-2004 08:22 AM

If he was not at fault (which he wasn't), his rates shouldn't go up even if...
the car gets fixed from his own policy, assuming he had the uninsured motorist insurance... unless he has a real cheapskate insurance company that raises rates for everything.

SpfldS4 05-25-2004 08:24 AM

Karma's a bitch!! Personally I think you deserved it for how you screwed me over.
I see your list of mods is growing with the money you stole from me. Yeah, Chad Rodirguez sold me a set of wheels and 3 out of 4 were bent beyond repair!! He doesn't feel obligated to return my money, and he now has the wheels too! A real class act AW'er. BTW, I filed fraud with the postal inspector, the IFCC and will be seeking legal counsel to get back my money. All of this could have been avoided it you were actually a stand up guy but that's obviously not the case. Everyone be warned not to make any transactions with Chad. To think, knowing that you got burned on purchasing some HID from that shady Matt Debous(?) character that you would in turn never do the same to another AW'er. Man, was I dead wrong, you two are in the same league in my books.

You have my address if you want to refund my money, but I can already see it is well spent and if not will be in repairing your car.

GrizzQuattro 05-25-2004 08:26 AM

woah~ that sux....

coocoomike 05-25-2004 08:28 AM

what the buger is going on here?

Steve_Ag Arrow 05-25-2004 08:31 AM

oh crap that sucks man, sorry to hear

Andy_FL 05-25-2004 08:32 AM

"it come back to you (insurance rate rise)" <== That's not necessarily true..
If I understand the situation, this is classic "uninsured motorist" case. In my previous car, I was hit by an unliscensed, uninsured motorist who was also under the influence at the time. His fault completely. I filed with my insurance company, paid the deductible (initially), and they went after him. Once they found him and got their money, my deductible was refunded and my rates did not go up.

If you file through your own insurance company, they will either go after the insurer of the car or the driver. You may have to initially pay the deductible, but once they get their $$, you should be refunded without any changes to your rate. At least, that's how State Farm works..


ryno 05-25-2004 08:33 AM

oh snap

golfrsi 05-25-2004 08:34 AM

Only if he has full tort,,, if not,,, he should have listened to her.

gh0st 05-25-2004 08:34 AM

I thought that was going to be a joke at first
guess not :/

quattro_silver 05-25-2004 08:36 AM

appears chaddy screwed somone over.

quattro_silver 05-25-2004 08:37 AM

it looks like YOU were on the main street to begin with.. and parked?
.. guess you should installed the TT yourself.

Silver Streakin' 05-25-2004 08:37 AM

what, no pics of the cheerleaders?
sorry about the car. I hope it works out for you.

Braineam 05-25-2004 08:38 AM

what comes around, goes around, always true.

ErikTheRed13 05-25-2004 08:41 AM

What comes around goes around!

quattro_silver 05-25-2004 08:44 AM

watch, we'll see his rims that just got screwed up in the classifieds.

Silver Streakin' 05-25-2004 08:45 AM

I disagree. That's why you have under-insured/uninsured coverage.
You only get nailed for collision claims of your fault.

quattro_silver 05-25-2004 08:46 AM

you sure you wern't trying to squeeze out extra money for injuries?

quattro_silver 05-25-2004 08:47 AM

I find it funny he has ALL those mods, but cannot install a TT..

kmbackid 05-25-2004 08:49 AM

can you address SpfldS4 please? did you screw him over?

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