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serf2k 01-25-2008 08:29 AM

Talked with Lou Diamond Phillips...
at an aftershow party at McMaster University when he was opening for Blue Rodeo with The Pipefitters. Great guy to talk to - amazing stuff about some of my favourite movies like Young Guns (Charlie Sheen turning to Emilio Estevez in the screening, saying "Jesus, I died fast!") and Disorganized Crime (his trip over the fence rail was not in the original script). He signed a Mohawk Warrior flag I wore on my Frosh Control Suit - someone noted that his handwriting was perfect to which he replied that "If someone values my autograph enough to ask me for one, then I should give them one worthy of their request".
...I've spoken to some folks in the windsurfing and snowboarding world, been punched in the shoulder by Doug Bennett (RIP) of Doug & the Slugs, etc. etc....but meeting LDP will always be the highlight....

RSaltinot 01-25-2008 09:23 AM

Re: Ate dinner with Rick James at
Brunswick Stew w/ Dale Earnhardt Sr. too. Pat Roberson, Jimmy Carter, Hurley Haywood, Derek Bell, Michael Stipe, Jimmy Smith (jazz organist), David Benoit (jazz pianist).

Jretal 01-25-2008 09:27 AM

I met martin short my senior year in HS
Couple of my friends and I went up to him and did the lil '3 amigos salute' :-P. He was at my highschool because one of the teachers used to work with him in videos (I believe the teacher helped or actually wrote the script for the movie 'Clifford'), and Martin S. came by to visit. Actually this teacher's wife was in 'Analyze This' (she was the lady at the end that was saying "he wants me to call him big daddy")... Campman was their last name iirc.

I also met Randal Cunningham (Old school eagles QB for those of you who don't know :-P ) during an autograph signing of his in Florida (Ft Lauderdale area).

My uncle also met yogi beara (sp?) in FL once too. My uncle looks at him and goes "You're Yogi Beara!" He looked at my uncle and says, "yes I am" and walked away. Kinda funny to hear the story.

serf2k 01-25-2008 09:29 AM

Patrick Duffy?...Didn't he die in Colorado?
<center><img src=""></center><p>...when Scuzzlebutt was shot in South Park? ;-)<ul><li><a href="">Time Killer if you have High Speed and Time to Waste</a></li></ul>

85-4kq-girl 01-25-2008 09:34 AM

^^^Chris...that is awesome!!! LOL!

84gtguy 01-25-2008 09:44 AM

i guess i met a few many won't have heard of, tom knapp the trick shooter, bill rodges and ...
alberto salazar, both famous runners.

but my brother in az used to shoot bow professionally. he new bo jackson (the basball and football player), they were on the same team. also ted nugent (the singer and guitarist). i guess he actually knew ted really well.

hals86cgt 01-25-2008 09:58 AM

Met Stirling Moss at Monterey... Also Jay Leno, but Stirling was cooler..!

Pre95 01-25-2008 10:21 AM

Dinner with Clint Eastwood &amp; his wife in SF, and a lot of musicians...

Pre95 01-25-2008 10:22 AM

that IS pretty cool hahahaha

teach 01-25-2008 11:02 AM

I guess I've got a few ("fringe" celebs?)....
Anyone here into bodybuilding or powerlifting? I've met and hung out with Bill Kazmaier (three time World's Strongest Man) and Ed Coan (considered by many to be the greatest powerlifter of all time) several times. I've met Jay Cutler (current Mr. Olympia), Rich Gaspari (former Mr. O. top five). Trained alongside Carla Salotti (current IFBB professional), Jeff King (former Mr. Universe) and got to know former Mr. World Rich Roy pretty well.

I know, they are fringe celebrities to most of the general population, but I used to be very much into bodybuilding, and it was always interesting to speak with people at or near the top of their game.

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