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jayel 09-11-2003 01:45 PM

Help/Advice needed on adding another amp
Basically, I want to add another amp to my stereo. I think I'll be able to do this myself instead of going to a shop. All the connections seem very easy, but I have some questions about powering the amp.

I already have a fuse next to my battery for my current amp. Can I just up rate the current fuse and hook up my new amp to the same one? or should i get another fuse for this amp?

If I use the same fuse, how should I split the wires to both my amps? Any other advice for a total noob?

sack lunch 09-11-2003 01:54 PM

assuming your fuse hold is not one of those super tiny in-line fuse holders (i'm talking like 20 amp
amps or less), you should be able to upgrade the glass fuse no problem. as far as adding another amp, you have to add a distribution block and run separate power and ground and remote turn on to the new amp (assuming your current power wire is thick enough to support a second amp- at least 4 AWG). Assuming your first amp has already been wired up correctly, adding a second amp shouldn't be too hard.

also, hopefully you know how to run new speaker wire to wherever you're going, and you also know how to get another set of RCA's back and forth from the head unit.

jayel 09-11-2003 02:41 PM

Can I get any distribution blocks? Or are some brands to be avoided..also,
correct me if I'm wrong, but, I connect the remote turn on to the distribution block?

I think my power wire is thick enough, but i'll for def double check that. Are there any places that sell everything I need to install an amp? Do you think best buy or fry's sell them, if so, are they bad quality?
Also, I'm thinking of installing rear speakers as well. MB quarts install in my car without any modifications, but should I apply dynamat to the parts that touch my car and to the areas behind it? Or is that just a waste of money and dynamat.

Thanks a lot, I'm still new to this, so bear with me :)

sack lunch 09-11-2003 05:36 PM

First of all, avoid BBY and Fry's at all costs, unless they have exactly what you want at a good
price. you're best off going to a specialty shop (if you mentioned Fry's, i'm guessing you're in California and so there shouldn't be much of a problem finding one) so you can ask a real live person some final questions, as well as have a look-see at a better selection of merchandise.

As far as distro blocks go, pick one. doesn't really matter much. And no, the remote wire doesn't connect to the power distro block, however you can have a separate block just for the remote if you wanted it. The problem is the remote wire will carry current only sometimes, while the power wire carries a current all of the time.

In terms of dynamatting your car, a little isn't gonna do a darn thing for you, unless you're gonna use it to prevent rattling between two objects that touch each other. Dynamat is usually applied to the bare body of the car, and often times in multiple layers (read: "expensive and heavy").

bottom line- if you don't know what you're doing, either get the help of someone who does, or just take it to a shop. The power wire has a lot of current flowing through it, and one bad move might have a lot of bad consequences...

kenny (dremel) 09-11-2003 07:32 PM

agree with denogginizer.
IMHO, audi's in general (at least the later models) don't need to be soundproofed, unless you are running an extremely high-end system. the soundproofing throughout the car is excellent (read: it's not a GM) - for the setup you're talking about, I don't think soundproofing will be an issue.

If you need an amp kit, go on ebay. search for "amp kit new" and you'll be amazed. It's *way* cheaper than buying everything individually. 17 ft. of power wire from my local shop was $35. my amp kit from ebay was $28, and is working great. it's not a PG amp kit, but hey, there's always room for improvement. ;-P

Good luck.

Ne0h 09-12-2003 01:36 PM

the info you want...
first thing you need to know is the gauge of the wire going back and powering your current amp. make sure that it is enough to carry the current of BOTH your amps and then some.

READ THE MANUALS FOR THE LOAD SPECS!!!! Add them up and get the closest fuse to it. If you can't get exact then ROUND DOWN. You don't want to have a fuse higher than what the maximum draw of both amps is because that = fried amps.

The rest is purely personal preference, but you will probably want to run at least 1 distro block for your power. You can run separate grounds, or you can get another distro for the grounds. Purely up to you. Just make sure that when you fuse the lines in the power distro, they're the max load of the amps or less than that...again or cooked amps...

IMHO I like 1 power distro and separate grounds...but that's just me...good luck!!

Ne0h 09-12-2003 01:42 PM

Remote lead goes to your amps to turn them on =). Distro just "distributes" power...generally....
ground distros are different though =).

Best buy is good for cables and whatnot. Get the best RCA's you can get so you dont' have line noise...go with monster cable for power, ground, rem. lead, etc...also phoenix gold is very good as well.

MB Quarts = awesome speakers. good choice. personally I install them..crank them up...if stuff em out...dynamat a bit...make sure the install is clean..then you're good to go. get dynamat xtreme btw..don't waste your money on ANY other dynamat...the rest suck...

Ne0h 09-12-2003 01:43 PM

or else you can cause TONS of damage to your electronics..NOT a good thing..take the 2 seconds and disconnect it..seriously!

kenny (dremel) 09-12-2003 06:41 PM


Ne0h 09-17-2003 12:56 PM


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