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Randy M 04-01-2008 08:30 AM

Errrrr ;)

absoluteis 04-01-2008 08:34 AM

But you don't believe officers get let off for reckless driving or even their own DUIs ? OMG

Randy M 04-01-2008 08:44 AM

Letting cops off shows me that what they do really isn't all that worthwhile nor serve society.
And they're dishonorable pond scum for enforcing corrupt traffic laws on the rest of us. Honestly, these guys spend most of their day giving out tickets to soccer moms for going 10 over. They're a giant cog in a dishonest system of state and municipal revenue generation that serves no one.

ny bruin 04-01-2008 08:44 AM

Ummm... who's the naive one here?

rgr121 04-01-2008 09:38 AM

100MPH+ on a back country road = corrupt traffic law???
Now you're talking about 10MPH over the limit and soccer moms? Where did this come in? bash the police on this forum but you will be the first one to call them when a burglar is in your house or your 4 year old is missing. I don't think the guy whose life I saved 2 weeks ago after performing the heimlich maneuver on him views me as dishonorable pond scum. And after 2 deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq as an Army Ranger and a Bronze Star with "Valor" earned in Afghanistan, you can take that dishonorable pond scum comment and stick up your ass you self-serving liberal scumbag. I will no longer waste my time in this forum.

GR8 Ghost 04-01-2008 09:43 AM

Lets have a list of all the cops on the RS4 board or Audiworld...the ones who brag about being above
the laws that we, the citizens, created. The very same citizens that PAY them six figures to allow them to live out their god complexes. Let's have a listing of those self-righteous upholders of the civil traffic laws who relish "nailing" drivers for infractions they are all too guilty of. Ones who come to this public message board and scoff and use profanity to describe others actions as if they were above the same indiscretions. The guys who blatantly advertise their illegal window tint in their signatures and their lack of a front license plate. You want buddies to talk about cars with? Go find other cops. It's pathetic, not unlike a hyena trying to be friends with the wilderbeast. We don't want to hear about your opinions on traffic laws. On this message board, you aren't standing over us with our licenses in your hand and your wall of lights blinding us. Here we stand toe to toe...and frankly we aren't impressed. The guy who drives like an ass deserves a ticket. No one is denying that, but don't come in here pounding your chest and acting like a baby. It is unbecoming of anyone who makes a six figure salary paid for with tax-payer dollars. In fact, its insulting. Now...I'm done. To all the ethical policemen and women out there who do their job to keep us safe, my hat is off to you. Guys like ticketproof and rgr121, karma is often unforgiving.

Bob W. 04-01-2008 10:06 AM

i don't really care if you believe it, i know it happened.

Randy M 04-01-2008 10:07 AM

I'm sure you're a cop because you really care....By the way, no one likes you
Lol. Every cop I've had the displeasure of spending time with doesn't exactly ooze with a caring and compassionate nature. And I'm talking about traffic cops whose job is to generate as much revenue as they possibly can during any given shift. Those guys are freaking thieves w/ a badge, legal extortion ruining every persons day that they come across. Must feel real good knowing that they're getting up in the morning to do that, providing zero value to society. Their only worth is to the municipality they work for.

And by the way, if I were to put myself in a category I'd check the Republican box. And you can shove that up your gov't working union ass.

Bob W. 04-01-2008 10:08 AM

he should drive down to TX...I can arrange to see exactly how "ticketproof" he is.

Randy M 04-01-2008 10:28 AM

Pretty well said but disagree on just one point.
Most traffic laws have been legislated into law by the self serving gov't. I can't remember ever seeing any traffic law on the ballot. And I would guess that many of laws that we have now would not be in the books if we had the opportunity to vote on them. Do you think photo radar, radar/lidar guns, the points system, rural speed limits etc would exist if we had the opportunity to vote on them?

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