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phillyrollin 05-02-2002 03:46 PM

aww you killed the old stats... anyway yeah california and courts may be messed up but we are talkin
about people committing crims, and while those whites may not be incarcerated their arrest will add to statistics, anyway here is some more interesting stats

mpwolf 05-02-2002 03:54 PM

Good point Mark...people are too quick to bring race into the picture sometimes.

EdP 05-02-2002 03:56 PM

Your point was Urban area crime is more likely caused by african americans.
Your link has nothing to support that. You are wrongly assuming that urban density has anything to do with national statistics. That is a faulty logical jump. Not to mention that link is JUST homicide and not the relevant crime... I think this thread is running amok. Me thinks that I am better off not knowing how some folks on AW think.... I think it's a sad thing that we all base our outlook on paranoia. I got a community award from a black baptist church 2 years ago. Why? Because in my culturally and racially mixed development, an unmarked van full of black youths stopped on our street at midnight. Noone but me came out of our house to help them; it turned out they were coming from a bible conference, and blew a tire. Even after my neighbors (black and white) saw me changing their tire, noone STILL came out to help. their jack would not lift the van high enough to get the spare in, so after letting some air out of the tire, putting it on, then filling it again, they were back on the road after almost 2 hours. In two hours NOONE CAME TO OUR AID. That is a sad reflection in my mind.

phillyrollin 05-02-2002 04:13 PM

look I went to an urban HS in philadelphia an I know what I grew up around and
why my friends parents sent them to private schools, I am not just speaking from statistics but from my personal experience with this. People just don't want to admit anything that isn't PC. Fact is african american test scores are lower, SAT scores are lower, etc. They even want to adjust the SAT again because they beleive it is culturally biased, I am not really aware how analogies can be culturally biased, some of these programs seem to admit a fault within the culture, which is why affirmative action is Criticized by many educated african americans. I mean something is wrong when to equalize test scores they need a lowering of standards or to equalize employment statistics people need to be hired based on race not qualification.

mpwolf 05-02-2002 04:14 PM

I think your neighbors are just dicks... ;)
I mean seriously, how threatening is a van full of people anyway. It those vans with no windows and the lone white guy at the wheel you need to watch out for.

Kazman 05-02-2002 04:19 PM

The problem with Achtung thinking
arises when some other black man, legitimately driving his own S4 into the parking lot gets ransacked by the cops.

It is simply subconscious racism. Had they been 4 or 5 white guys he would've said as much and more than likely found a way to either call them misguided kids or white trash. Fact of the matter is people use race and class as a way to elevate themselves above others. Profiling doesn't work. Never has never will because in almost all cases the people doing the profiling don't know what they're looking at OR they're looking to degrade and humiliate. They are not honestly looking for crime. Had cops been there they would've heard the discription of 4 to 5 black thuggish males and gone right out and pulled the first S4 driving, suit wearing black man they could find.

What I take issue with is the logic involved here. Lynchings happened to blacks (still do), yet it is whites who fear walking everywhere. All those creoles in the the south were created from white men screwing and in most cases raping black women, yet they are constantly worried all black men are after white women. By the way, I have yet to hear a rap song singing the praises of most white female body types. A black man is expected to answer for or represent the race in every asinine thing that occurs but I don't recall hordes of white men having to explain themselves after the Oklahoma city bombing or indeed after every skinhead beating is administered.

I could go on and on but it's pointless. People see what they want to see or more accurately, are conditioned to see. Instead you should feel sorry for the people, regardless of race, who perform the kind of mental gymnastics required to keep themselves at the top of the food chain. In their own mind of course.

bobbO 05-02-2002 04:37 PM

Please learn more about the topic before posting something like that...
Because this thread is already long enough, e-mail me if you want to discuss further. Affirmative action in admissions and employment is a very complicated issue -- simple "it makes sense" logic cannot be applied if you do not understand certain things about social constructs and the dynamics of power. Like you, I went to school in the urban center of a big city, central Los Angeles (5-8 blocks from South Central), so I can relate. However, it is unfair to simplify issues such as affirmative action -- they are not simply quotas. Like I said, I'd be more than glad to talk about it with you via e-mail. While I am far from an authority on the matter, I feel that I may be able to provide some insight. :)

AdamD 05-02-2002 04:58 PM

Did he really mean it that way though? I haven't read everything
but are you being defensive because he said "black buys" and "the type I would pull over" in the same sentence. He described them really quickly and then made a statement about what they looked like. I have seen "early twenties, if not juveniles, the type that I would pull over by default" whites, asians, AND blacks.

Kazman 05-02-2002 05:02 PM

You're not going to get through to Phillyrollin. He hasn't seen much of anything but what little he has seen or read of shapes his entire world view on a very complicated issue. People like that don't want to look at the test scores of African immigrant students or West Indian students, especially when they are higher as most are. They focus on the one thing that preserves their false feelings of superiority. The fact that he's not certain how analogies can be culturally different speaks volumes. Maybe he should hang out with a group of Norwegians one day, then flip him over to some Turkish people the next.

Kazman 05-02-2002 05:06 PM

regardless of how he meant it, whether consciously or subconsciously I think some of us are pointing out the slippery slope we all find ourselves on when someone does put those two things in a sentence.

The other day I was racing this pick up truck, with 5 white guys in it. The kind if I were a cop, I'd round up cause they're bound to be headed to their next Klan meeting, gay skinhead wrestlefest, date rap frat party etc...

Hey, I'm just sayin..don't get mad, some of my best friends are white....

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