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got my A4, 2 days later, got 1st ticket, can't believe how ignorant cops are!

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Old 05-15-1999, 06:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Get real. 75 in a 55, you got what you had coming. Why should he write a warning for 20 mph over?

Old 05-15-1999, 06:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Bad idea to generalize...(long)

It's a bad idea to generalize, there are jerks and morons in almost every profession, including law enforcement. You WERE speeding. Someone comented below about speed being criminalized in the US, give me a break. If the speed was that much of an issue, all cars would now be sold with an electonically limited speed of about 80 mph (allows passing in emergency situations). It's pretty hard to argue that we need vehicles that can travel above the legal speed limit. I don't want that and when I get pulled over, IF I get a ticket, well I took my chances, I'll pay my money. Also, it IS a safety issue, many people speed who shouldn't even be driving...I would love to see tighter controls on who gets a drivers liscense. Generally, the A4 is a low profile car, and less likely than many to get you a ticket. Finally, cops aren't all poorly paid, in states like Massachusetts where they work details some make six figures, pretty decent in my book. OK, I'm off my soap box...just a note, no I'm not a cop, I don't even have any friends who are cops, though I do know a few in passing. Take Steve's good advice below, have a drink, I'd choose Scotch over beer, but whatever is your favorite, put on some good tunes, and relax. Maybe hunt around for a local autocross or track event where you can go as fast as you please and not have to worry about getting pulled over.<p>Regards,<br>Rodney<p>'99 A4 1.8tqms
Old 05-15-1999, 06:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default He was on the highway! 20 mph over the limit is normal rush hour speed on a highway

Old 05-15-1999, 06:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: got my A4, 2 days later, got 1st ticket, can't believe how ignorant cops are!

Based on the way you wrote your entry you were the DH to the cop, that's why you got the ticket. There are a few readers of this site who are cops and A4 owners, I happen to be one of them. If you don't want to get stopped, slow down and obey the traffic laws. I meet people like you every day and it brings me nothing but joy to write the bigget infraction possible. <p>Get a clue, you were violating a local traffic law and got caught. You probably think we should let a shoplifter go when he steals a $5.00 item? or let a sexual offender go because he didn't get himself off during the act?<p>Why don't you indetify yourself?
Old 05-15-1999, 06:40 PM
Scott G
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I do wish they would concentrate on truly dangerous activity.(more)

I will agree that 75 in a 55 is not all that dangerous, on the other hand I get a little tired of seeing people drive 10 under in the left lane, people that weave in and out of traffic without any thought to use that thing known as the blinker, people reading books and newspapers on the way to work while driving 75, stop sign and stop light runners, and last but not least people who pass on the shoulder. Most people are ticketed for speed violations. In my opinion following someone 2 feet off there bumper is much more dangerous as compared to a little extra speed. If you want to talk about dangerous, how about an 18 wheeler going the same 75 mph you are. The big trucks should have to drive slower and in the far right lane like in Europe, they don't let the trucks and buses fly with the rest of the traffic.<br>Sorry about your ticket though, unfortunatly you have now become part of your local governmental revenue stream.
Old 05-15-1999, 06:57 PM
still pssd
Posts: n/a
Default Actually I was as polite I could possibly be..

I was very polite. I explained to him that I just got the car, and although it's not an excuse, I just wanted to see what it could do. Obviously, that was my excuse. He told me he had saved me $100 by only fining me for going 70 mph - $100. That's when I got pissed! And do you really think I'm going to post an email address? The last thing I need is to get spammed by pigs. The bottom line is: I was on a virtually empty highway on a Saturday morning travelling no faster than everyone else. He had no right to even pull me over. He saw a young guy in a nice car and thought: I don't care how fast this guy was going, if he can afford this car, he can afford a ticket. I can afford it. I'm just pissed because I've gotten the same **** from cops my whole life. MISUSE OF POWER.
Old 05-15-1999, 07:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Default How fast do you go on the highway?

Old 05-15-1999, 07:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Don't feel sorry for you! You are...

...correct that some law enforcement officers have an ego problem, but only a small few, in my experience. I know several officers, and they are some of the nicest and smartest people I have ever met. It almost offends me, on their behalf, that you can make such generalizations about their intelligence. In case you didn't know, it's a lot harder to become a police officer than you think. Depending on location and position, many are required to have College Educations, and are tested extensively in the training process. I might also add that most of them would rather not have to give tickets for speeding. One of the guys I know told me that he only gives enough citations so that he doesn't get in trouble, adding that he would much prefer taking care of more important things. A friend of mine who is a WA State Trooper concentrates on the excessive speeders, and won't bother with the minor offenders. They are required to meet a certain quota, a lot of the time. So, don't get mad at the officer for giving you a ticket. He was just doing his job, and you were speeding; significantly! The Government makes the rules, and they just follow. Accept the fact that you were speeding and were caught. Being honest and nice when pulled over always goes a long way too. I got pulled over for 15 over in a small town (25 zone) known for giving tickets to out-of-towners. I just told him that I was visiting my parents (which I was) and that I just wasn't really paying attention and following the car ahead of me (which was my Brother and his family), and that I was headed for the Hotel. He told me to enjoy the rest of my stay and to watch my speed. End of story! I have other stories, but I won't waste the space! :-) Anyway, just be nice, and accept the fact that you got caught breaking the law. Take it like man!<p>Charles<p>PS: My friend that is a State Trooper makes plenty of money, and thus has no reason to be jealous of anyone.
Old 05-15-1999, 08:23 PM
What a jerk!
Posts: n/a

With an attitude like that, you won't get much sympathy here (if any). We'll just ignore you from now on.
Old 05-15-1999, 08:48 PM
Posts: n/a

AH-HA! &quot;quota&quot; nuff said EOM

Quick Reply: got my A4, 2 days later, got 1st ticket, can't believe how ignorant cops are!

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