This RS7 is the World's Fastest Armored Car

Armored cars are usually terrible to drive, due to the amount of mass required to make them bulletproof. But AddArmor has built an Audi that is tough, light, and very quick.

By Lance Branquinho - August 25, 2019

Safe and very stylish

Armored cars tend to be slow and ponderous to drive - not to mention ugly. But what if you could have a proper German rocketship luxury car, which is also capable of resisting a hijacking or armed assault? Well, that is exactly the role of this RS7, built by AddArmor

The perfect getaway car

Although the AddArmor RS7 does not look much different from the version you can buy at a local Audi dealer, it has protective bits that make it a lot safer. What AddArmor is offering with its RS7 is the world's fastest armored car, and a crucial part of achieving that is to make its ballistics protection a lot lighter than any rival. 

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No steel required

Where AddArmor reveals their skill is by using a much lighter armoring technique. Conventionally, you'd add steel to protect occupants in the cabin - but steel is heavy and adds way too much mass, making the vehicle slower and rough on its brakes. The RS7 swaps steel for polycarbonate composite, which is ten times stronger than comparable steel, and much lighter. 

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Features you definitely can't get from an Audi dealer

Beyond the passenger cell armor plating, AddArmor's RS7 also has an array of very unusual security features. Some of these are controlled by a row of special switches in the center console. Blinding lights to disable an approaching vehicle? A smoke dispenser for cloaking an escape? You can trigger all of those from inside of this RS7. 

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You'll always be able to call for help

If you run into trouble and can't get away, there is a special 24/7 global concierge security service too. By using this locator device, an emergency signal can be dispensed, and it will relay from anywhere - even if you are beyond normal phone signal. 

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Shout it out

If you really want to get the party started, or warn people approaching to stay at a safe distance, this RS7 has a tremendous public address system. With acoustics powering-up to 120 decibels, there will be no excuses from bystanders that they could not understand your intentions. 

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Get away from trouble, instead of confronting it

It might offer B4 standard ballistics protection, but this RS7's greatest ability is its sheer speed. With the AddArmor RS7, you should easily be able to evade an assailant before they get within range to threaten. The most they will get to see of this RS7 is its rear spoiler. How fast? Even with 200 lb of additional armor plating and kit, it will run a true 0-60mph in only 2.9 seconds. Very rapid, indeed. 

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A lot more power than the standard RS7

So how does this AddArmor RS7 manage to be the world's fastest armored car? Capable of a top speed in the range of 202mph, it is clear that this machine is running a more potent version of Audi's 4-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine. Thanks to some reprogramming of the engine's ECU and trick exhaust work, the AddArmor RS7 has 760hp of peak power. And even if you damage the tires, they will keep running for up to 30 miles, enabling a  potential escape. 

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